Asian Workforce

The recent riots of Bagladeshi cleaners in Kuwait have been reported world-wide in the media. Teargas, batons, and the threat of deportation of 'troublemakers' (strikers) badly reflect on a state implementing laws which are not protecting those who are effectively running the country. The 250'000 or so Bangladeshis in Kuwait apparently belong to the lowest social class. But when they are cheated on their 40 Dinars salary (about € 100), when 18 Dinars per month in fact are left (€ 45), that should in fact be regarded as theft. And that is happening in one of the richest countries in the world!

I want to dedicate this posting to a secretary from the Philippines who I learned to know about five years ago. Her talents and capabilities, competencies and skills were so manifold that any of her superiors in FOD at Kuwait University and the whole staff immediately noticed that a job as a secretary would not really challenge her. So, her responsibilities were upgraded again and again, but her salary wasn't. When she finally became the chief receptionist she knew every telephone number of our students, of our patients, and of us, the teaching staff; every patient file number. She was running the reception almost beyond perfection. Even a recent bad blow of fate only released new vigors. She and her great two kids will take new challenges in life, that's for sure.

Without this kind of people Kuwait can never be smoothly operated. The success of a society of many of these nouveau-riche countries like Kuwait largely depends upon the highly committed people mainly from Asia who, that I've understood in the meantime, are priviledged to leave their home countries because of special skills and talents, endurance and patience, and responsibilities for their relatives who have been left behind and who urgently wait for their support. I hold many of them in the highest regard. The citizens of Kuwait have decided to live in a multicultural society (and that made it so attractive for me to work and live there for many years). But that also means a lot of further responsibilities. If not really integrated humans always demand at least decent lives.

Thank you, Ms Marlene Daroing for the nice and really effective time we were working together at FOD! And all the best for you and your kids in the future. May God bless you and your family!


Intlxpatr said…
I love this entry. What an accolade to your hard-working Philipina friend.

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